Cell Biology and Biotechnology vaccine | antibiotics | gene therapy | cloning | bio-remediation | Edu d study

How to produce various vaccines and antibiotics?

Treatments of various diseases are possible by vaccines and antibiotics. Various antibiotic medicines are used for the treatment of different types of diseases. Genes have been inserted into the genome of bacteria to produce various vaccines and antibiotics.
Scientists produced the antigen in the laboratory with the help of gene isolation from the pathogen and used it as a vaccine.

vaccines & antibiotics

How is gene therapy used to treat genetic disorders in somatic cells?

Phenylketonuria (Pkt) appears due to genetic changes in hepatocytes (liver cells).
It treats with somatic cell gene therapy. All the cells except sperms and ova in the body are called somatic cells.

How is cloning possible due to biotechnology?

Replication of any cell, organ or entire organism is called cloning.
There are two types of cloning.

  • Reproductive cloning

A clone can be produced by fusion of the nucleus of the somatic cell with the enucleated ovum of anybody. Thus, there is no need for sperm to generate the new organism.

  • Therapeutic cloning

Stem cells can be derived by the union of the somatic cell's nucleus with the egg cell to treat various diseases as gene cloning.

What is the adverse effect of sewage and solid waste on aquatic animals?

  1. Sewage is rich in organic matters which get oxidized with the help of dissolved oxygen while releasing it in natural water bodies like rivers.
  2. Level of dissolved oxygen in water decreases and the aquatic life adversary effects.

How are microbial techniques used in the treatment of sewage and solid waste?

  1. Microbes are useful on a large scale while production of compost by treatment on solid organic waste materials.
  2. Bioremediation, biopesticides, biofertilizers, biosensors, etc. are some new notions in biotechnological methods.

How is bioremediation used to treat harmful pollutants?

Bioremediation means either absorption or destruction of toxic chemicals and harmful pollutants with the help of plants and microorganisms is called Phyto-remediation.

How have various pesticides been proved to be dangerous?

  1. Pesticide is a type of poison.
  2. This poison enters the food web through water and food and its biomagnification occurs, for example, DDT, Malathion, chlorpyriphos, etc. Therefore various pesticides have been proved to be dangerous.

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