Animal classifications are one of the trends in studying various types of animals. Animal classifications can ease the study of every animal and show the varieties of animals. We see some animals crawl on the land, some swim in the water, and some fly in the sky. We find that some animals have scales, some have feathers and hair on their skin, we call it diversity. Approximately 7 million species of animal we can see on the earth with a large diversity.
How does animal Classify?
How to Study Animals?
Peep into History of Animal Classification:
Animals are firstly classified by Artificial Method and the credit goes to the Greek philosopher, Aristotle who classified them based on body size, habits, and habitats. This trend of animal classification carries by Theophrastus, Pliny, John Ray, Linnaeus, etc. But today, we are following the new systems of animal classification by Carl Woese who proposed it based on body symmetry, cell type, chromosomes, biochemical properties of animals, etc. Dobzhansky and Meyer also follow this method of animal classification.
There are two trends in animal classification. Animals can be classified by:
- Traditional Method
- New Systeme of Animal Classification
- Traditional Method:
When we go deep into the traditional method, we find that it is divided into two types of Kingdom which are classified based on the presence or absence of the notochord in the body. They are:
- Non Chordates:
- Chordates:
- Characteristics of Non-Chordates:
There are the following characteristics of Non-Chordates:
- Whatever the animal body, if it is not supported by a rod-like notochord, it is called Non-Chordates. That is, the absence of rod-like notochord in an animal's body is called Non-Chordates.
- There is an absence of Pharyngeal Gill Slits for respiration.
- If there is a presence of the nerve cord in the body, it is situated on the ventral side of the body.
- If the heart is present in the body, it is on the dorsal side of the body.
- Protozoa
- Porifera
- Cnidaria
- Platyhelminthes
- Aschelminthes
- Annelida
- Arthropoda
- Mollusca
- Echinodermata
- Hemichordata
2. Characteristics of Chordates Kingdom:
- Whatever the body which is supported by rod-like notochord is called Chordates
- Pharyngeal Gill Slits or lungs present for the respiration process in the body.
- If there is a presence of the nerve cord in the body, it is situated on the dorsal side of the body which makes hollow or cavity in the body.
- If the heart is present in the body, it is on the ventral side of the body.
- Urochoradata;
- Cyphalochoradata:
- Vertebrata:
- Cyclostomata:
- Pisces:
- Amphibia:
- Reptilia:
- Aves:
- Mammalia:
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