cell biology and biotechnology |
State the importance of biotechnology in various fields.
- Genetics:
Biotechnology can be brought about artificial genetic changes and hybridization in organisms for human welfare.
- Agriculture and medicine:
New experiments are being performed for the improvement of the agricultural yield as well as for the production of antibodies, vitamins, and hormones, etc.
- Tissue culture:
High-class varieties of crops have been developed through the technique of tissue culture.
What is the variety of uses of biotechnology?
- Use for the various abilities of microbes for yogurt production from milk and alcohol from molasses.
- Using for increasing the productivity of the cells.
- Use of biomolecules like DNA and proteins in human welfare.
- Development of plants, animals, and products of desired quality by gene manipulation. Production of human growth hormone with the help of genetically modified bacteria.
- The use of genetic and non-genetic biology evolves the use of either cells or tissues. For example, tissue culture production of hybrid seeds, etc.
State the benefit of biotechnology.
- It has become possible to increase the per hector yield respective of the limitations of the cropland area.
- Expenses on disease control have been minimized since the development of resistant varieties.
- Due to the development of fast fruit setting varieties, yield per annum has been increased.
- Development of stress resistance varieties that can withstand variable temperature water stress, changing fertility of the soil, etc. have become possible.
How is biotechnology used in the agricultural field to improve yield and variety?OrHow is biotechnology used commercially in the agricultural field?
- Hybrid seeds:
Genes of two different crops recombined to form a hybrid of various crops.
- Genetically Modified Crops:
Crops developed with desired characters by integrating foreign genes with their genomes are called genetically modified crops.
- BT Cotton:
A gene has been isolated from the bacterium Bacillus Thuringiensis and integrated with the gene of cotton.
- Golden Rice:
A gene synthesizing vitamin A (23 times Beta carotene) has been introduced in this variety of rice.
- Herbicide-tolerant plants:
Herbicide-tolerant plants varieties of crops have destroyed the weeds.
- Biofertilizers:
Bacteria like Rhizobicem Azatobactor, Noctoc, Anabaena, and plants like Azolla are used as biofertilizers. For nitrogen fixation and phosphate solubilization abilities of the plants are improved.
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